There are a lot of people who have questions about lucid dreaming. They want to know if lucid dreaming is bad, they are curious about the benefits of lucid dreaming. They’re looking for information on how they can induce the lucid dreaming state. Or, they need someone to help them interpret their vivid dream. So, in this video, I am going to go over 10 steps that will not only help you lucid dream tonight, but also help you heal, transcend, and manifest your desires. Stay tuned.
I get a lot of slack talking about Voodoo. People tell me, Yamaya Cruz, you’re an intelligent person, why would you lower yourself. Or, why would you get involved in something that is so dark, and evil. It’s no secret that new thought leaders such as Iyanla Vanzant has jumped ship to appeal to a larger audience. And I am sure that are many others who practice voodoo, or Vodun, on the download. So in this video, I am going to talk about why voodoo has such a bad reputation and what you can do to help change it. Get your two free eBooks and 60 free videos here: Sign up to my seduction ritual here:
I get so many requests from people who tell me that they want to do all of these things, yet, they simply can’t afford them. They go on and tell me that they suffer from cycles of feast and famine. There are times where they have money, and times where they are dead ass broke. Others have told me stories about how difficult it is for them to get a job. While others have said that they make pretty good money, yet they have a difficult time saving and/or paying off debt. I myself have struggled with money, and yes, I was a victim of extreme debt and abject poverty. However, there are a few techniques that I’ve learned over the years that have enabled me to not only keep my head above water. But also manifest the life of my dreams. So, in this video, I will like to share many of those techniques with you.
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